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For what it's worth...
"Expression used to emphasize that one is offering a
suggestion or opinion without making a
claim to its validity"
Oxford Dictionary
Perspectives on International Education

Spending Christmas on the Easter Island :-)! December 2017

Family hike on the Inka Trail to Machu Picchu, October 2017. Simply splendid!

Ready for a new school year, September 2017
Looking for Compay Segundo in La Havana, Cuba, Summer 2016

Cuenca, Ecuador, Fall 2015.
Hat trick!

Parque del Bicentenario, Quito, Ecuador, Fall 2015.
Dorian and I learning new skills. I wonder who is more comfortable...

Bahía Tortuga, Galapagos, Ecuador, Winter 2014: an unforgetable experience!
Ephesus, Turkey, Fall 2013

Tarabya, Istanbul, Turkey, Fall 2012: my beautiful family!
Tarabya, Istanbul Turkey, Summer 2012: my favourite Jedi Knight fishing in the Bosphorus!

Montreal, Canada, Winter 2010: could it be any colder?
Cappadocia, Turkey, Spring 2008: breathtaking views

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