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Just wondering about my transition.

This is it-May 18th, 2018. I ran my last IB exams yesterday as IB Diploma Coordinator. My first session was in May 2010. 8 years, 2 international schools, 4 testing rooms, countless exams, coversheets and IB blue envelopes, lost and found exam packages sent by courier services, supervisions, schedules, students late or sick, huge traffic jams not allowing to start on time impacting the whole school community and buses, 2 unannounced IB inspections, 1 fire alarm (not a drill), clearing calculators, making sure that everyone is silent around the testing room etc. In those 8 years, I learned a lot and I got better at this every year to be able to adapt to any unexpected situations. As I am transitioning next year to a new role in the High School, and as I know that I am ready for it, I have this question stuck in my head: how long is it going to take me to learn this new job and do it as well as what I am doing now as IB Diploma Coordinator? In other words, I am very excited to take on new responsibilities and I know that I can support teachers, students and their parents, but how long is it going to take for me to feel really comfortable with this new job and to do it well? I keep telling people that I am learning every day and that I am going to do mistakes. But at the same time, I want to be a effective Principal so I am wondering how long is it going to take me to adapt to new situations and feel/be good at it? So, as I am moving away from my comfort zone, it is evident that I am entering what Vigotski called the zone of proximal development-this area is where one can do things with guidance. And I feel extremely lucky as I am surrounded by caring educators who have been coaching me. Thanks to them, I am entering this zone of proximal development with confidence. Also, as a previous colleague told me when I first became IB Diploma Coordinator: when someone asks you something it is ok to say that you don’t know as long as do our homework and get back to them with a response. And I am sure that there will be a lot of those next year.

For what it’s worth…

Frédéric Bordaguibel-Labayle
International Educator

I am the High School Principal at Academia Cotopaxi American International School in Quito, Ecuador. 

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